måndag 13 april 2015

log book week 16

listening: I listened to "Heroes" by Måns Zelmerlöw and wrote down the lyrics.
My words:
crickets - syrsor
appreciation - uppskattning
foundation - fundament
hummingbird - kolibri
mess - röra, oreda

listening: I listened to "Fix you" by Coldplay and wrote down the lyrics.
My words:
reverse - motgång
ignite - antända
bones - ben
above - ovan
below - nedan

listening (homework): I practised words about furniture and I won the game ;)
My words:
rug - matta
fishbowl - fiskskål
curtains - gardiner
wallpaper - tapet
blinds - persienner

listening (homework): I listened to "Blank space" by Taylor Swift and wrote down the lyrics.
My words:
sin - synd
rumors - rykten
nasty - otäck
reckless - vårdslös
insane - galen

listening: I listened to "Beds are burning" by Midnight oil" and wrote down the lyrics.
My words:
oak - ek
desert - öken
wrecks - vrak
rent - hyra
boiling - kokande

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